Whenever you are searching something on Google, you will come across so many search results that it becomes impossible to check all of them. In such a circumstance, you will usually check only those websites that show up in the first, second or if time allows even the third page of Google search result. That […]
To dominate on Google Search Engine Results Page, the SEO experts take a lot of pain and spend hundreds of hours to get a good rank for their website. However, getting thousands of .com backlinks is not as effective as getting 10 to 50 .edu backlinks. Google ranks these backlinks very highly and has been […]
Over the years, Google has earned itself the title of being the most used search engine by people all over the world. Besides providing the users with easy usage and high performance, Google has also carved a niche in itself because of the superior quality of its search results. These search results are largely based […]
Getting .edu backlinks for your site is one of the most important steps in your SEO strategy. These backlinks are often the most difficult to attain but they drive valuable traffic to your website. Getting even 10 to 50 edu backlinks for your site can be very beneficial. These backlinks are ranked highly on search […]
Some years ago Google has implemented No-Follow backlinks to fight against massive comment spam. Since then many blogs are declaring the links built within their comment areas automatically/by default as No-Follow ones. Now the question is which value No-Follow backlinks have and if a large number of them linking to your website will cause a […]